2010년 4월 30일 금요일


I met my highschool friends in Daejeon
I was happy to see they are doing well in their lives
We had lunch together and went to the coffee shop we usually go together
when we were going to the high school.
We had to say goodbye soon because we all had other things to do.
It was shame but It was very gooooooooooooooood to meet old friends!
I love them!

my high school friends! ↓

2010년 4월 20일 화요일

Midterm Exam

I took my first midterm exam today
It was my very first time to take a test since I got into this university.
It was new and I was a bit confused but I managed to write all the things
I wanted to say and I was satisfied.
I have to prepare for my other exams coming up until next Monday.
I really want to do well on all the examinations!!

2010년 4월 15일 목요일

My favorite singer

He is my favorite singer!
I love his smile
It makes me HAPPY!

2010년 4월 6일 화요일

The Topic of this Week (Journal):

The Topic of this Week (Journal):

Plan your days (years) to achieve your goal. Set up your career goal first and then design your life (study) plan for the coming 2018, 2013, and this year.

It is very hard to know what I'm gonna do in several years but also, I think it is very important to think about this stuff. It will help me achieve my goal more easily.

First, as I mentioned in my storytelling, one of my dreams is to be able to use English like a native speaker. To achieve this goal, I will try to have a lot of experience to develop my English skills. I'm planning I will achieve this goal in 10years. So I will read many English books and watch English movies often. I will study for English Exams like TEPS and TOEFL for my score too.
Secondly, I want to learn many languages such as French and Chinese in 5 years. I think it can be a good challenge for me too. It's very interesting to learn foreign languages as well as cultures.

My storytelling

Hi, my name is Seo Moram and I'm 20 years old and i'm from Daejeon. I have mom, dad, younger brother and younger sister in my family. I'm going to talk about my MBTI type from now on. My type is INFJ. INFJ is a very rare personality type of MBTI. About 2 percent of people around the world are INFJ. First, I didin't think that I am an introverted person but I agreed eventually that I am INFJ. I used to be an extroverted peroson but i think my personality changed as i become older and older.
INFJs are generally doers as well as great dreamers. They tend to be devoted to what they believe in and seek work where their needs, values and ideals can be deeply engaged. They consider inspirations as very inportant thing too. These great dreamers dream too much that sometimes they can easily be exhausted from a large gap between their dream and reality and when INFJ people get hurt from the gap and so on, they usually don't express their feelings often.
INFJ like to be in a quiet place as well as place with several people. I think I like quiet places too. I get more energy when I am alone doing my private things. I like to hang out with my friends and talke about our lives too. I love spending time with my close friends like INFJ does. INFJ is not a very active person so they are careful when they make new friends but they love having deep realtionship with a few people.
Lastly, I want to talk about my learnig in English from now on. One of my dreams is to be able to use English like a native speaker. To achieve this goal, I think I should have a lot of experience that helps me develop my English skills and in the near future, I hope to have a chance to learn more about other languages too. Thank you for listening.

2010년 4월 2일 금요일

Finally At Home!

I live in Seoul alone so I always missed home and family.
And NOOOW I'm finally in Daejeon!
I came home several weeks ago but still it's always good to be at home
Mom makes me delicious food and I can take a rest and play with my sister and brother
I missed them so much.
I don't want to go back to Seoul
and I don't want next week to come!