2010년 3월 29일 월요일

The Topic of this Week (Journal): Choose 1

Stundents these days tend to really care their English teacher's pronunciation. They seem to believe that English teachers should pronounce just like a native speakers of English. What do you think about this belief? How would you react to this attitude (belief)?

: I agree that many students believe that English teachers should pronounce just like a native speakers of English. They usually think that a good English teacher is who has good pronounciation but I don't think so. There are many people who are very good at English but don't have good pronounciation. It's about how they can use English well, not how they pronounce words just like a native speaker.
Some people might think that people who pronounce like native speakers are most likely to have good English skills but i think that the most important thing of English teachers is their ability to help students to develop their English skills.

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