2010년 5월 30일 일요일

2010년 5월 25일 화요일

Inside 'American Idol' Finale, Fans Urge Simon Cowell: 'Don't Go!'

Inside 'American Idol' Finale, Fans Urge Simon Cowell: 'Don't Go!'

LOS ANGELES — The party got started long before the final "American Idol" performance show kicked off. "Idol" contestants from seasons past were right at home and accepted cheers and catcalling from the 7,000 fans inside the Nokia Theatre.
About an hour before the show started, season-one runner-up Justin Guarini held court. The curly-haired singer was outside near the talent check-in, taking cell phone shots with fans, shaking hands and laughing with friends he called out to.
Scott MacIntyre, the blind piano-playing contestant from season eight, was taken aback when the crowd whistled and applauded his arrival. Megan Joy — who got rid of the long, lush locks we remember from the same season — ran her fingers through her cropped blond 'do and smiled when a fan complimented her on the new look as she tried to scurry to her seat before the lights went up and the show began. Oh, and she was barefoot!
An ear-busting scream went out when Simon Cowell was introduced, especially when the crowd was reminded that this was his second-to-last day as an "Idol" judge. "You getting emotional already?" the warm-up comic asked a fan who was bawling during a commercial break. "It's not even the results show!"
Over another break, Michael "Big Mike" Lynche was razzed by the warm-up guy, who claimed the personal trainer/ singer was an over-exuberant Justin Bieber fan. "You had the Bieber fever," he joked with Lynche "You couldn't sleep the night before he performed here. OK, I need to be careful. You might crush me."
Host Ryan Seacrest cruised the aisles before the finalists' second songs of the night, slapping high-fives with fans and holding hands with a show producer as they ran back down toward the stage.
While the crowd's signs are typically meant to cheer on the contestants, most of Tuesday night's (May 25) posters were aimed at Cowell. "Please don't go, Simon!" one sign read.
Who are you rooting for to win this season of "American Idol": Crystal or Lee? Let us know in the comments!
Get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' "American Idol" page, where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions.

Applying the Immersion Program


: Language immersion is an approach to foreign language instruction in which the usual curricular activities are conducted in a foreign language

: English Immersion Program캐나다에서 개발된 이중언어 사용프로그램으로 영어, 수학,과학등의 교과목을 영어를 사용하여 지도하며, 단지 영어 교육에 초점을 두는 것이 아니라 교과교육에 초점을 두는 교수방법입니다.특히 최근 정부발표에 따르면 경제특구및 국제자유도시에 있는 초,중등학교시범교육을 시작으로 2008년부터 영어 수학등 다양한 교과의 내용을 영어로 가프치면서 자연스럽게 영어를 습득하는 영어이머션 교육을 시범 운영합니다.
강남교육청 관내 대모, 신구, 수서, 일원, 원명등 10여개 초등학교에서 2007년부터 영어 이머션 교육을 시작하며 교육부에서 사범대와 교대의 영어교육과 관련 학생들을 대상으로 교육과정에 영어이머션 교육을 도입하겠다고 밝히고 있으며 현직 영어교사들의 경우 3~6개월 연수를 통한 이머션 교육을 5개년 계획을 세워 2007년부터 시행할 계획입니다.

Misuses of the word 'IMMERSION'

: “Immersion" has been a convenient term used freely by schools and the media for an increasingly popular form of foreign language education. Unfortunately, in most cases, the term is misused. For many, the term "immersion" seems to imply any class that is taught through the medium of a second language. However, simply teaching a content class (e.g. Math, Music, Science, etc.) in a foreign language is not immersion. The most commonly used definition of immersion comes from Fred Genesee of McGill University, one of the world's leading authorities on immersion education. On page one of his seminal book "Learning Through Two Languages: Studies in Immersion and Bilingual Education" (1987, Newbury House) he provides the following definition of immersion:

*Good things about Immersion program!

1.Students can develop their linguistic skill and multicultural understanding.

2.Immersion program can provide students with the deepest possible exposure to a second language and culture.

Q. Applying an immersion program into public schools in Korea?


1. Equal opportunity of language education to everyone ( <-> Englsih divide)

2. Students can take English as more friendly and comfortable.

3. Students can learn more efficiently (Critical Period)

4. More chances to use Englsih(Speaking, Listening, Writing)-more exposure!

5. Lower cost


1. Korean culture and Korean language can be ignored.

2. Low achievement of subject knowledge due to inefficiency of using Englsih.

3. Not every subject teachers can teach in English well.(Teacher Issues)

4. Other studnest can inferior to- ->More private education

5. changed goal from knowledge to English.

2010년 5월 23일 일요일

new words

A Sampling of new words and senses from the new 2007 update of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition
Just two years after a majority of visitors to Merriam-Webster OnLine declared it to be their "Favorite Word (Not in the Dictionary)," the adjective "ginormous" (now officially defined as "extremely large: humongous"), has won a legitimate place in the 2007 copyright update of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition.
Merriam-Webster updates its best-selling Collegiate® Dictionary every year with a number of new words, senses, and variants. This year, the word "ginormous" was one of approximately 100 neologisms to make the cut, while many others will stay "closely watched" by our editors for possible inclusion in future revisions. (This, of course, begs the question: so just exactly how does a word get into the Merriam-Webster dictionary?)
As those who participated in our 2005 "Favorite Word (Not in the Dictionary)" online survey will undoubtedly agree, the word "ginormous" has undeniably proven its true staying power.
Here's a sample of the nearly 100 new words and senses now deemed ginormous enough to be included in the 2007 copyright version of the best-selling Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition—available this fall in bookstores everywhere. How many of these words are already a part of your vocabulary?
1. agnolotti
2. Bollywood
3. chaebol
4. crunk
5. DVR
6. flex-cuff
7. ginormous
8. gray literature
9. hardscape
10. IED
11. microgreen
12. nocebo
13. perfect storm
14. RPG
15. smackdown
16. snowboardcross
17. speed dating
18. sudoku
19. telenovela
20. viewshed

2010년 5월 21일 금요일

Good website

I think this site is very good for learning Englsih.
It contains a lot of information and also games!

2010년 5월 18일 화요일

Discussion Topic 2: Is NNES teachers good?

Which English teachers do you think is better for our students, native speakers of English, or Korean English teachers? Why?

Moram : I think Korean English teachers are good for Korean students when learning English,because English native teachers may speak English more fluently than Non native English speakers but they don't understand Korean cultures so they will have problems teaching Korean students. When learning English, students need to understand fully about English and it would be very difficult when taught from Native Englsih teachers. So I think Korean students should learn from NNES teachers. It can be a problem when students don't fully understand Native English teachers.


1. NNES teachers can teach English fitted in KSAT which studnets have to take to get into the university.
2. NNES teachers can communicate with Korean students.
3. Korean teahcers can compete NES teachers in terms of language proficiency.

4. NNES teahcers can play multiple roles.(ex. counselor)

5. It is more efficent when NNES just translate the words that Korean students can't undertand.

1. Students can be accustomed to NES teachers.

Discussion Topic 1 :Is TETE good?

*English teachers in Korea are seriously stressed by feeling lack of their qualification (confidence) as an English teacher. They are now asked to teach English through English with more effective teaching methods. Consequently, many English teachers right after passing the teacher exam hope to go back to school in order to train themselves further (e.g. in the graduate program, or TESOL certificate program).



1. Students who can't understand what teacher is saying can have problems in English classes. It is good for students to be taught by Korean.
2. TETE can be applied to only high-level students. For lower level students, when teaching Grammar and Reading, teachers should use Korean and When teaching Listening and Speaking, teachers should use English.
3. English teacher cannot be always right, so they may use wrong English and students can learn wrong English from them.

1. Students should have the opportunity to experience English in classes. Students learn English more and they can develop their English skills through listening to English teachers who speaks English in classes.
2. By using English in English classes in Korea, Koreans will not need to go abroad to experience English.
3. Koreans should learn real English, not English for exams in Korea.


1. Koreans understand grammar well when explained in Korean.
2. Teacher can give students too much burden on English.
3. Students have different levels of English.
4. Teachers can input wrong information to students
5. Studnets need to prepare for KSAT and TETE is not appropriate for this.

1. Extended exposure to Engish Speaking environment.
2. Young learners can learn English more in English speaking environment.
3. Unconscious learning can be good
4. Learning too different modeo of English at a time.
5. Better understanding can be done in the language.

The Topic of this Week (Journal)

Talk about developing your self-access learning blog. What are the things that you are interested in? What barriers do you perceive? What are the things are you especially emphasizing in designing your SALB?
Write and Submit the details of your SALB plan on your blog.
1.Purpose :

My purpose of this SALB is to make many opportunities to use ENGLISH. I can write in English regualrly doing my blog and It will eventually help me develop my English ability.

2.Organizations (subcategories)

My categories are : diaries, news, words, journals and so on

3.List of Links in each category

4.Planning (how to use it)

I will try to use this blog REGULARLY. I think it is the most important thing.

Also, I will design my blog too!
I will update my blog many times!

2010년 5월 16일 일요일

The Topic of this Week (Journal):

The Topic of this Week (Journal):

Talk about developing your self-access learning blog. What are the things that you are interested in?
What barriers do you perceive? What are the things are you especially emphasizing in designing your SALB?
Write and Submit the details of your SALB plan on your blog. Your plan should include:
Organizations (subcategories)
List of Links in each category
Planning (how to use it)


The purpose of designing my SALB is to improve my English skills. I get to write journals and things that i am interested in whenever i want to so it helps improve my English skills. In my blog, there are not many categories but I usually write diaries and things i did in classes. Also, i have many gadgets such as dictionaries, videos and news. I think it is very convenient and useful. I will use my blog to improve my English skills as I said. Especailly, I hope to improve my writing skills so that I can express all my feelings in perfect English!

2010년 5월 11일 화요일



I am so sad
I am broke.

The Topic of this Week (Journal

The Topic of this Week (Journal):
Option 1: Do you do Cyworld? Tell me how you do. Explain what you you like about Cyworld (strengths) and what you do not like about it (Weaknesses)

: Yes I do Cyworld, but I rarely go into my own mini hompage. I usually go into my friends' hompage and see how they are doing. Also, I write short words to communicate with my friends. I think cyworld does a lot thing that we couldn't do in the past. It helps to keep in touch with people that we can't meet so through cyworld, we manage to keep our good relationship with the people. I like Cyworld because of these reasons.
What I don't like about cyworld is that we can have too much time in cyworld. It is such a waste time when we are online for a long time. It helps us to keep in touch with people but It can be addictive sometimes. Also, it is bad because it sometimes block the opportunities to actually meeting face to face.

2010년 5월 9일 일요일


I went to Insadong yesterday with my friend.
I went out of home at 2 o'clock and I was in An-Guk station at about 3 o'clock.
I wondered aroud until my friend arrived. I ate Ho-dduck and peach ice-tea too.
It was very delicious. I visited art gallery too! It was exciting to see many marvelous art works. I love arts! I hope to visit many other art galleries in the near future. I then sat on benches and see people walking by. There were many foreigners too so I really enjoyed just looking at many people.
I went to Samji gil too. I have heard of 'sam ji gil' but it was my first time to actually visit there.
My long time no-see friend finally came! We went to have our dinner. We had 'Su-je-bi'
It was more delicious because I was with my friend!
After dinner, we went for a walk. We had Turkish ice cream for dessert!

It was late at night but me and my friend just sat there and listened to their music for about an hour.

I will not forget this night!
Although I was exhausted from all the walking, I really want to visit INSADONG again!