: Language immersion is an approach to foreign language instruction in which the usual curricular activities are conducted in a foreign language
: English Immersion Program캐나다에서 개발된 이중언어 사용프로그램으로 영어, 수학,과학등의 교과목을 영어를 사용하여 지도하며, 단지 영어 교육에 초점을 두는 것이 아니라 교과교육에 초점을 두는 교수방법입니다.특히 최근 정부발표에 따르면 경제특구및 국제자유도시에 있는 초,중등학교시범교육을 시작으로 2008년부터 영어 수학등 다양한 교과의 내용을 영어로 가프치면서 자연스럽게 영어를 습득하는 영어이머션 교육을 시범 운영합니다.
강남교육청 관내 대모, 신구, 수서, 일원, 원명등 10여개 초등학교에서 2007년부터 영어 이머션 교육을 시작하며 교육부에서 사범대와 교대의 영어교육과 관련 학생들을 대상으로 교육과정에 영어이머션 교육을 도입하겠다고 밝히고 있으며 현직 영어교사들의 경우 3~6개월 연수를 통한 이머션 교육을 5개년 계획을 세워 2007년부터 시행할 계획입니다.
Misuses of the word 'IMMERSION'
: “Immersion" has been a convenient term used freely by schools and the media for an increasingly popular form of foreign language education. Unfortunately, in most cases, the term is misused. For many, the term "immersion" seems to imply any class that is taught through the medium of a second language. However, simply teaching a content class (e.g. Math, Music, Science, etc.) in a foreign language is not immersion. The most commonly used definition of immersion comes from Fred Genesee of McGill University, one of the world's leading authorities on immersion education. On page one of his seminal book "Learning Through Two Languages: Studies in Immersion and Bilingual Education" (1987, Newbury House) he provides the following definition of immersion:
*Good things about Immersion program!
1.Students can develop their linguistic skill and multicultural understanding.
2.Immersion program can provide students with the deepest possible exposure to a second language and culture.
Q. Applying an immersion program into public schools in Korea?
1. Equal opportunity of language education to everyone ( <-> Englsih divide)
2. Students can take English as more friendly and comfortable.
3. Students can learn more efficiently (Critical Period)
4. More chances to use Englsih(Speaking, Listening, Writing)-more exposure!
5. Lower cost
1. Korean culture and Korean language can be ignored.
2. Low achievement of subject knowledge due to inefficiency of using Englsih.
3. Not every subject teachers can teach in English well.(Teacher Issues)
4. Other studnest can inferior to- ->More private education
5. changed goal from knowledge to English.
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